Know The Right Time To Approach HR Consultants In Kolkata

Almost every business owner in Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Bhuvaneswar is aware of the fact that taking care of their employees is a must if they want a successful business. This is simply because happy workers complete their job duties with more effectiveness. Approach a team of reliable HR consultants and they will maximise your productivity by ensuring your workforce’s happiness.

HR consultants in Kolkata

If you don’t have a strong in-house HR department, feel free to outsource the task to some experienced HR consultants and enjoy lower turnover, enhanced revenue and more productive employees. Not only will the workforce become more efficient but even the morale of your employees will become higher. There are even a few warning signs indicating that you need to outsource your HR services.

5 Warning Signs You Need HR Consultants In Kolkata

• You Feel That Full-Time Professionals Are Expensive
If you don’t have sufficient budget to hire full-time professionals or feel that they are too expensive, just look for reliable HR consultants in Ahmedabad offering their services at a price which suits your budget. You can save money but outsourcing the task instead of hiring in-house professionals as you don’t have to pay them any salary, benefit, computer, software or office space.

• Your In-House HR Department Isn’t Efficient
Handling and managing your employees isn’t the only responsibility of HR professionals. They have to administer their payroll, planning, training, retirements, benefits and even do all those background checks. If you think that these skills are missing from in-house HR professionals, outsourcing the task instead of hiring a team of efficient professionals is easier and affordable.

• The Technology You Use Is Outdated
Every business owner knows how fast technology is moving nowadays and so they too need to adopt the latest technology and software if they want smooth-flowing HR processes. Staying updated with the latest HR software is both time-consuming and expensive, so approaching HR consultants in Bhuvaneswar using the latest technology is advisable. They even stay updated with the latest industry developments to serve you better.

• HR Processes Are Wasting Your Time
Though payroll management and administration of benefits are vital for businesses of every size, the processes are too time-consuming and don’t help your business earn much revenue. Nor can you handle all these responsibilities being a business owner neither hiring an employee for these tasks is a wise thing to do. Let HR consultants in Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Bhuvaneswar take care of these tasks while you focus on improving your business revenue.

• Errors Are Increasing And You Are Missing Deadlines
Even if your in-house HR professionals are efficient, they have numerous tasks to handle and so the chances of making mistakes are always there. Even a small mistake can make you lose your clients. You might even go out of business gradually if you keep on missing deadlines. When you outsource the task, the experienced HR consultants will shoulder the entire responsibility so you can have complete peace of mind.
Since you are now aware of a few warning signs indicating that you need to outsource your HR services, it’s time you start looking for reliable professionals.

How Psychological Assessment Helps Effective Recruiting

Hiring and training new employees can be an expensive process. To help keep turnover to a minimum, some companies employ psychological testing to ensure that potential employees are suitable before hiring them. Psychological tests, however, are not only used during the hiring process. Some companies use these tests to monitor the continued suitability of employees who have been on the job for some time.



The purpose of psychological testing is to make more informed hiring decisions. Many companies consult outside companies to give and assess these tests in an effort to keep the tests unbiased and to help guard against lawsuits. Psychological testing is used to determine, in particular, the ability of potential employees to work under stressful conditions and to assess the potential of a prospective employee to handle the job effectively under those conditions.


The use of psychological testing can lower the risk of a company being sued, according to Mike Poskey of ZeroRisk HR, a company that specializes in strategies and solutions for greater employee retention. One reason is that psychological testing can help reduce the number of problem employees. Psychological testing can be particularly useful for jobs with a high-stress factor such as law enforcement, the medical field or firefighting because these tests can help determine a potential employee’s abilities to work under stress. Such screening can help a company hire more suitable employees and save on the cost of high employee turnover.



No psychological test is ever completely valid or reliable. According to Dr Wade Silverman, of the Florida Psychological  Association, psychological tests are “as valid as standard medical tests” and are administered and interpreted by clinical and forensic psychologists. Even then, a proper psychological assessment requires a battery of tests given over time because one or two tests may be contradictory. With this in mind, the validity of tests administered in one sitting is suspect.


However, use of psychological testing by recruitment agencies may have legal implications, based on the country, state or area the organization belongs to.

Let us take the example of USA. Psychological testing is legal in most states in America, provided the tests are administered by a professional organization or a psychologist. Some states in the USA have specific privacy acts that prevent a company from forcing employees to participate in psychological testing. Terminating an employee who refuses a psychological test in one of these states could result in a lawsuit based upon a breech of privacy law. On the other hand, some states, including California, require psychological exams, particularly in law enforcement and similar fields. Since the Americans with Disabilities Act limits the use of tests by prospective employers, avoid using tests designed to reveal disabilities, particularly schizophrenia and manic depression. Such tests can lead to claims of discrimination based on medical issues.

Therefore, a recruiting agency for companies in India or in any other country is advised to check the law of the land before including psychological tests as a part of their HR process.

Trending Recruitment Practices in India & Road Ahead

The Indian economy is growing at an attractive rate. As a result, the demand for talented professionals is increasing across many sectors to deliver rapid and sustained growth.

Therefore, Indian recruiters will be facing significant pressure in attracting and retaining top talent. In fact, experts found that 79% of Indian organisations project increased hiring for 2016-17. This seems to be a critical time for Indian recruiters to evolve and be as innovative and nimble as possible. In this article, we have broken down the 5 key recruitment trends happening in India right now and some key actions Indian recruiters can take in this new landscape.

Recruiting agency for companies in India

Trend #1. Increasing Gap Between Hiring Volume and Budget

After a positive year with the gap between hiring volume and recruitment budget getting narrower, yesteryears saw this gap get significantly wider. This means Indian recruiting leaders must do more with less and invest wisely check out This finding from LinkedIn’s India Recruiting Trends report makes it all the more difficult for recruitment teams to overcome the obstacles associated with attracting top quality candidates from high-demand talent pools.

The disparity between volume and budget means recruitment teams need to use creative and cost-efficient ways to meet their goals. Some of the trends that follow are evidence of this, with more companies focusing on less costly channels such as employer branding and employee referrals so as to not break the bank.

HR consultants in Kolkata

Trend #2. Quality of Hire

One of the key priorities for HR consultants in Kolkata for the foreseeable future is optimising ‘quality of hire’. According to LinkedIn, talent leaders believe ‘quality of hire’ is the most valuable performance metric to track hiring effectiveness. While the urgency to fill open positions led to ‘time to fill’ getting the biggest increase in attention over the past year, ‘quality of hire’ remains the most valuable key performance indicator for recruiters.

Common challenge recruiters face is finding the best way to measure this metric. And there seems to be no unified way to measure this, with Indian recruiters tracking ‘quality of hire’ in various different ways. Time to productivity, new hire performance evaluation and early attrition are all used to determine this success metric. Aligned with this, hiring manager effectiveness in identifying the best talent is a key enabler in optimising this metric. This means employers need to build the interviewing capabilities of hiring managers.

Trend #3. Employer Branding

With the increased demand for talent for many economic sectors in India, recruiters are beginning to realise the positive impact a well defined and consistently communicated employer brand can have in attracting top candidates. With senior leadership starting to take a keen interest in their companies’ employer brands, this is starting to grow as a big priority.

Almost every recruiting agency for companies in India believes that recruiters need to start building cross-functional relationships, specifically with marketing. This will help them in order to build attractive employer brands and gain a competitive edge. According to LinkedIn’s report, social media is on the biggest upward trend when it comes to employer branding tools, with traditional channels like LinkedIn and websites falling in popularity. Also becoming more popular is using employees as brand ambassadors who can help communicate a distinguished employer brand.

HR consultants in Ahmedabad

Trend #4. Employee Referrals

Using employees as brand ambassadors is the perfect segue into the next big Indian trend: employee referrals. Employee referrals as a source of hire in India have grown in size and importance, especially in the last year. Reasons for this include the need to reduce cost per hire and getting access to passive talent that would be otherwise not available for recruiters. A big finding in the LinkedIn study was that India is leveraging employee referrals extremely well and that they actually lead usage in this across the world.

If an organization is not using employee referrals as one of its main sources of hire, it needs to start experimenting with this immediately as it is fast becoming a key trend in the Indian recruitment market. Recruiters may face some challenges in getting internal buy-in as well as developing one that incorporates current technology (digital and mobile) but these programmes can drastically improve candidate quality, quality of hire and employee retention. The organization should be sure to communicate to employees what they can expect from the employee referral programme and make sure to incentivise them with rewards.

HR consultants in Bhubaneswar

Trend #5. Analytics

Given that Big Data has swept into every industry and has become the key basis of competition and growth for enterprises of all sizes, it comes as no surprise that the integration of talent analytics and key hiring decisions is becoming a top priority. According to some experts, 65% of Indian companies now have dedicated team members for talent assessments, data analytics and technology.

That being said, many companies lack the ability to effectively crunch the data. Recruitment teams need to start building an in-house capability to drive data-based hiring by educating themselves on best practices, tools and techniques, as well as selecting the metrics that really matter. Glassdoor recommends some key metrics one can measure around the quality of hires, influence over hires, and retention, which should serve as a good starting point.

These are the 5 biggest recruitment trends that India recruiters need to look out for.